We have been emerged into a world of virtual and online social media for both entertainment and work meetings. Life in living color and live entertainment has been on hold for over a year. We are finally beginning to see the light or some semblance of what we remember as normal. This year 2022 Released to be YOU allows us to walk into our unique purpose with no apologies. We have had enough time to tap into our awareness and take steps to align with our purpose. 2022 Released to be YOU!
When you look at the numbers and line them up with their meaning, you will find that 2+0+1+7=10 and 10 is the biblical number of perfection. All things at their highest and greater good. As God created man in His image, we have all His attributes. We are uniquely and perfectly made to His specifications. The Earth/Universe and all that is within it, is also made by God as outlined in Genesis, the 1st book of the Bible. So, this is our opportunity to take full advantage of what God has already done. Make 2017 your BEST year and go for every #dream, #goal, #aspiration and #desire that you can think of because God has given and set in place universal favor. 2017 the Year of Perfection! #2017MyBestYear #UniversalFavor #DLYDL #Called4Purpose
if someone would have told me that I would be leading worship at church, editing books for new authors and giving the message at church in addition to singing a mid week service out of town once a month, I would have probably said thank you for the vote of confidence but even I couldn't possibly keep up with a schedule like that. Well the joke is on me because God can and God will do what He wants when He wants and with whom He wants if you are willing and available. And my personal favorite is saying YES, LORD - I Am Willing!
2016 is the Jubilee Year, the year of restoration, debt cancellation, recovery and gaining back that which was stolen / lost. Be bold in this year and step up to the plate and claim your rightful place in the kingdom as His citizen and gather and receive what rightfully belongs to you. Are you hoping and wondering if there is more to this life? Well, I am here to tell you emphatically YES!!! You are NOT here by accident, you are here on PURPOSE! Gods purpose. www.Called4Purpose.com I am looking forward to connecting and working with you.
2014 still has 2 months left, so let's take a step and move forward into the purpose God created you for! Blessings
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Your posting can be seen at http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/sys/2680867600.html. Support Witness Performing Arts purchase you HP ink products. Limited ink products. First come First serve. Radiance performing in Buffalo New York with the Philharmonic - Nov 12, 2011 Happy Birthday Darryl "Footz" Woolfolk |
AuthorLearning more of God's way and living according to His word is the calling. Our purpose is to worship God. Archives
July 2017